TEC School 2021
Niche Best Schools Badge 2025

Parent Resources

Supply List

Please download the 2024-2025 school year supply list below. Any questions, please contact the school office.

Download Supply List

Parent-Teacher League

The Parent-Teacher League (PTL) of Emmanuel is an organization, auxiliary to the school. It is designed to provide a means of contact between parents and teachers for consideration of mutual concerns through the school year. All parents are expected to participate in the PTL program. This organization meets six times a school year: In September, October, November, February, March, and May.


Dear Families,

Below, and on the reverse side of this letter, you will find a copy of the dress code for Emmanuel Lutheran School students. During the recently completed school year, there were issues concerning items of the dress code specifically shorts and slacks, shoes, middle school chapel dress and jewelry. Please read over the guidelines and keep them in mind when shopping for school clothes for the coming school year. If an article of clothing or a jewelry item were worn last school year, and does not adhere to the dress code, it will not be permitted to be worn at school.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office.

Susan Miller, Principal


Emmanuel Lutheran School believes there is an important relationship between a student’s appearance and his or her attitude toward school and schoolwork.

Emmanuel Lutheran School has adopted a school uniform policy. The required uniforms are available for purchase from

Dennis Uniforms

1110C North Rolling Road

Catonsville, MD21228


NOTE: Families are to have “Emmanuel” imprinted in gold by Dennis Uniforms on all polo shirts and sweaters.


BOYS – Kindergarten through VIII

Khaki and navy twill pants, khaki and navy twill shorts, white, navy and light blue polo shirts (embroidered with “Emmanuel”), white and light blue oxford shirts, white, navy and light blue turtlenecks, navy sweaters and sweater vests

GIRLS – Kindergarten through VIII

(All) White and light blue oxford shirts, white, navy and light blue turtlenecks, khaki and navy twill slacks, navy sweaters and sweater vests, khaki and navy twill shorts, white, navy and light blue polos

(K-V) plaid jumper and skirt, white or light blue Peter Pan blouses

(VI – VIII) plaid kilt, khaki skort

General Guidelines for ALL Students:

  • Uniforms must be neat, clean, properly sized, and in good repair.
  • Uniforms are to be worn on field trips as designated by the teacher.
  • Shoes must cover toes and heels and go no higher than the ankle. (no sandals, clogs, platforms, heelies, novelty shoes, or shoes that pose safety concerns.) Quality tennis shoes are, strongly encouraged at all times. High top tennis shoes are not permitted.
  • Winter/severe weather boots must be removed while in the building and replaced by appropriate school shoes.
  • When layering apparel (as in winter) all layers must be uniform attire and color. Non-uniform layers that are visible must be removed upon entering the building.
  • Uniform shorts/pants and traditional tennis shoes must be worn in order to participate in PE Class.
  • All oxford shirts, blouses and turtlenecks must be tucked into skirts, kilts, slacks or shorts. All skirt/kilt hems must touch calves when kneeling.
  • All uniforms must be worn appropriately throughout the school day and dismissal.
  • Apparel designed to be worn with a belt will be worn with a solid black, brown or navy blue belt.

Chapel attire PE attire for Grades 6-8

All Students: No Emmanuel Hoodies School sold T-shirt, sweat pant/shorts

Girls 6-8: plaid kilt or khaki skort

Boys 6-8: Tie with light blue or white oxford shirt

Spirit Shirts

Emmanuel Spirit Shirts may be worn on Monday


In consideration of the school learning environment

  1. Daily bathing and use of deodorant is required.
  2. Unscented creams and lotions must stay in lockers.
  3. Due to allergies, perfumes and colognes will not be used.
  4. Make-up is not permitted.
  5. Hair must be neat, clean, and out of the eyes at all times (hairstyles may not extend beyond eyebrows ).
  6. Only natural hair color is permitted
  7. No facial hair is allowed.


  1. Earrings will be limited to stud earrings only (no hoops or danglers). Earrings are limited to female students only.
  2. Watches are allowed in grades 4-8.
  3. K-3 nail polish is not permitted
  4. Current fad accessories are not allowed.
  5. Book bags will be left in lockers
  6. Any jewelry or accessory that is a distraction to the learning environment will be removed.

Student Handbook

The Emmanuel Lutheran School handbook describes the expectations for behavior and conduct in the Emmanuel Lutheran School community and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met. It is your road map, containing the policies and procedures that will guide you as a student while you live and grow in this community of scholars at Emmanuel Lutheran School.

Weather Related Announcements

In case of inclement weather (with the exception of excessive heat), Emmanuel Lutheran School follows Baltimore County Schools’ announcements concerning late starts, early dismissals, and cancellations. Please check WBAL.com, WBAL radio (AM 1090), or WBAL TV (Channel 11).

Full Year Calendar for 2024-2025

Click on the link below to check out all the events and happenings at the School for the 2024-2025 school year. Please know that we reserve the right to add days to this calendar to offset any days when school is closed due to circumstances beyond our control.

View Yearly Calendar

Blackbaud Tuition Payment

Emmanuel Lutheran School has partnered with BLACKBAUD Tuition to service your child’s tuition account. To register or pay your tuition online, please click on the link below.

Pay Tuition with BLACKBAUD Tuition

Contact Us

Emmanuel Lutheran School